Sunday, April 17, 2011

Welcome to Gangster's Paradise!

            Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening. Welcome to Gangsters Paradise! It is here where you will find an in depth analytical view of gangster films of all kinds. Through out the extent of these posts, we will discuss the following using examples and sources: the gangster film genre elements, semiotics, gender, the function of mise-en-scene, shots and editing, sound/ score/ music within films, and the filmmakers. Additionally, to further understanding of the topics discussed, we will isolate and analyze a specific scene in a film.

            This blog was created as a fan site for all people who love gangster films. Accordingly, we will discuss films across all eras of time under the genre of the gangster film (the gangster film genre will be closely defined in the next post). These film eras include the classic gangster films of the 1930’s, the Hollywood film noir movement in the early 1940’s and late 1950’s, and also the present day. Since the gangster film’s inception, filmmakers have produced a slew of films covering a wide spectrum of time periods and topics involving criminal activity. These films have been providing the fans, with quality entertainment, and more importantly, critiques of society of then and now.  

            To provide a foundation for the coming posts and the ideas to be presented, the next post will contain a brief summary of the history of gangster films. 


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